Now that I realized my semester abroad is approaching quickly, I thought I'd start a blog.... welcome to 小龙宝宝!

"Dumpling" by 만두 Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Guess you're interested in what I'm going to be doing abroad, huh? I guarantee you'll witness my experiencing the rollercoaster of emotions drawn in the cute dumpling collage above.
The name of the blog is a play on words: a favorite Chinese dish of mine is the soup dumpling, 小笼包 (xiao long bao). The 2nd character is a homonym of dragon 🐲, 龙. The 3rd character sounds similar to 宝, which was my nickname as a child 👶 (宝宝). So I guess I'm saying I'm a "small dragon baby." 🤔️
Some of my #goals for the #semesterabroad (Wix is telling me to use hashtags):
A definitely not comprehensive list of goals while abroad...
Improve my Chinese! Speaking, reading, and writing-wise (a.k.a. fool natives to think I'm a native)
Become friends with Tsinghua kids, my fellow Penn classmates, and the other exchange kids from all over the world :)
Successfully navigate a new way of living, a.k.a. entrust my life to WeChat
Shower before midnight, since that's when the hot water turns off
Meet with Penn alumni!
Talk to new, interesting people
Update this blog 1-2x a week
Try to take a class in Chinese... we'll see how that goes
Eat all the wonderful food China has to offer in moderation (this will be difficult)
Travel across China AND hopefully to nearby countries
Tutor English to rich Chinese kids in order to fund aforementioned travels
Learn about business from a different perspective (duh)
Minimize harm inflicted upon respiratory system
Not be pick-pocketed and/or lose anything my entire time abroad
Go to events in Beijing as often as possible
Be open, curious, and proactive
...and more.
@you all:
I hope to make this blog as interesting as possible with my thoughts, musings, descriptions, photos, videos, etc etc etc. Thank you for choosing to join me by following my posts. It means a lot.
I'll hold myself accountable to post at least once a week (subscribe!! I think the button works). Definitely reach out to me at ANY TIME. :')
And, I hope you all are doing well. Chinese New Year is soon (February 16), so here's an early 恭喜发财!万事如意!(Best wishes for a prosperous new year / All the best!)